

Recent Blog Posts

At what age is someone considered a juvenile?

The answer to that question depends on the offense. In general, persons charged with misdemeanors in Illinois are juveniles until the age of 18 and those charged with felonies until the age of 17. However, and it is a big however, 15 and 16 year olds facing certain felony charges are automatically charged as adults […]

Search warrant

Recently I answered a question on another website regarding a search warrant which was executed at a home. Computers, a magazine and other materials were taken by law enforcement who were searching for child pornography. The person posing the question was concerned that two months had passed, the computers had not been returned and the […]

The United States Supreme Court on Warrantless Searches

Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court expanded the ability for the police to enter and search homes without warrants. In Kentucky v. King, No. 09-1272 , found at, the Court upheld a warrantless search of an apartment where the police smelled marijuana and believed that evidence was being destroyed inside. Although the United States […]


Lori G. Levin has been appointed Chair of the Illinois State Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Continuing Legal Education for 2011-2012.

Additional position

On June 23, I will be sworn in as a new member of the Decalogue Society of Lawyers Board of Managers.

Welcome to the blog of Lori G. Levin, Attorney at Law

Welcome to my blog. From time to time, there will be posts regarding the firm as well as items of interest pertaining to criminal justice issues.

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