Category Archives: Criminal Law

Category Archives: Criminal Law

Law Offices of Lori G Levin, Attorney at Law, Celebrates 15th Year Anniversary

It is hard to believe that 15 years has passed so quickly. When I started my private practice, I could not have imagined that helping persons charged with offenses and helping parents/childcare workers investigated and indicated by DCFS would be so rewarding. In essence, I returned to my roots. As a law student, I practiced […]

Law Day 2022

Today is Law Day, a day which celebrates our justice system. When you need an attorney in Cook, Lake, DuPage, or Will Counties for criminal defense or DCFS investigations/administrative appeals, please contact Lori G. Levin, Attorney at Law. Offices are conveniently located in Northbrook and downtown Chicago.

Lori G Levin Appointed to Bar Association Leadership Positions

Lori G. Levin has been appointed to the Illinois State Bar Association’s Bench and Bar Section Council and reappointed to its Criminal Justice Section Council. She continues to serve on the Association’s governing body, its Assembly. As a bar association leader, she gains insight and influences current changes in the law and gives back to […]

Lori G. Levin Named as One of 20 Best Chicago Criminal Defense Attorneys

I am honored to have been named, once again, as one of the 20 best Chicago Criminal Defense Attorneys by  The website chooses from attorneys based on reputation, credibility, experience, professionalism and availability. I am humbled to have been repeatedly chosen for this honor. #criminaldefense Lori G. Levin Attorney at Law 180 N. […]

New Illinois Plea Admonishments Outline Some Collateral Consequences of Pleading Guilty

Last week, Illinois’ Governor signed into law a change in how persons pleading guilty to criminal offenses are admonished. Public Act 82-553 amends 725 ILCS 5/113-4 to require that the court must admonish a defendant pleading guilty to many of the collateral consequences attendant to that plea. The new law states that “(i)f the defendant […]

New Illinois Sentencing Law Regarding Some Prison Sentences

As of January 1, Illinois judges will have to specifically justify sentencing an offender, who has never received probation or conditional discharge, to prison or periodic imprison for Class 3 or Class 4 felonies that statutorily allow for a sentence of probation or conditional discharge. Last week, Illinois’ governor signed Public Act 99-0861 into law […]

Illinois Appellate Court Rules that Constructive Possession of a Weapon May Be Proven By a Statement to Non-Law Enforcement

This week, the Illinois Appellate Court affirmed the conviction for Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon when the most significant piece of evidence was an admission to a civilian that the bag containing the gun belonged to him. In People v. Daniel Smith, No. 1-13-2176 (1st Dist. 2015), found at, a Greyhound bus driver saw […]

Client Receives Clemency from Illinois Governor

Yesterday, one of my clients was granted clemency for a felony conviction received when he was a young man. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn granted 232 clemency petitions per the State Journal Register. The full list may be found in a link embedded in the article. It was a long and arduous process for my […]

Illinois’ Second Chance Probation Allows For New Beginnings

The New Year brings second chances. It is a perfect time to discuss Illinois’ Second Chance Probation, the sentencing opportunity statute that went into effect a year ago. The statute, which can be found at 730 ILCS 5/5-6-3.4 allows certain persons who have not previously been convicted of felony offenses and previously afforded specified diversionary […]

News and items of interest on Facebook and Twitter

Frequently, I post items of interest pertaining to criminal, juvenile and mental health law on the firm Facebook page and Twitter account. To keep current, please follow at on Facebook and @LoriLevin on Twitter. Lori G. Levin Attorney at Law 180 N. LaSalle, Suite 3700 Chicago, IL 60601 [email protected]

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